
Friday 29 August 2014


Screenshot 2014-08-28 at 13.03.51.png

In class we have been using our chromebooks to learn how to code. We had to use our problem solving skills to control where the red angry bird goes so that he could catch the green bad guy. For example, we could do move forward then turn right.

So what: It’s good for our problem solving which is part of maths, and it really challenges us so we can get better and better at it.

Now what: My goal is to reach level 20 by the end of this week so that I could go onto even more harder levels, and so that I can develop my own game.


This is my presentation about being cybersmart and how to keep safe online. I have wrote 3 paragraphs in each slide in order for you to read and follow when you are online.  I hope the things I have said are helpful to you. Please use them when you are online and stay safe! :D

I wonder...

This is my poplet about all the things I wonder about. As you can see, I am very interested in animals because I love animals, and I care about them so much about them. I thought of some questions that are ungooglelable, which means you can't find the answer on google. This will be interesting when I try to find my information! 

Wednesday 27 August 2014

The big blue Monster!

In class we have been learning about poems, and how to write one. This is my free verse poem about the big blue sea monster, also known as the horrifing wave! This poem is called a free verse poem because you can use what ever you want in the poem, there is also no rules to follow. 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Xtramath Certificate

Yay!! I have now moved on from multiplication! I am now on division! All I needed was a little practice and then wallah!! I can't wait to experience the world of division!