
Thursday, 26 June 2014

My Key Competency Word Cloud

One of the things my teacher loves about me is that I am always active during class time and I always share my ideas, even when I think I’m wrong. At the beginning of the year, I wasn’t confident enough to share my ideas. After a while, when I got support from my friends, I am now able to share my ideas with the class and in little group discussions.

 In class, I participate in class discussions and also collaborate with people that don’t know what to do. I am able to work as a team. I am able to ask questions because smart kids ask questions! I help my friends that are struggling with their work, and I help them by using kind words and supporting them.When we collaborate, its more than one brain, which also means we get more than one idea. And remember, there's no I in team!

Nga Manawa

  This term we are learning about mangroves because its part of our school topic this year. " Kaitiakitanga" Here is my presentation about nga manawa. It indicates what nga manawa do to keep our environment safe, and information about it.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The hockey stick I won

The Hockey Stick I won!

Today I played in a hockey tournament with the girls in my school. We challenged a lot of schools, it was hard but we managed to come 3'rd place. When the hockey tournament finished, all the schools gathered up in a room. Barry started talking, he said... " This hockey stick is going to be for a girl in Hay Park School, please step forward... Rose " . I was surprised, speechless, emotional. I never knew I did that well! I was really proud of myself when Barry placed the brand hockey stick into my hands. Tears came down my face. It was just amazing.That's a moment I'll never forget in my life.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

My Flipping eBook

This is my flipping eBook I made on my goal setting presentation.I had fun using the website: Flip Snack. I enjoyed choosing my template, cover and background.